Saturday, December 28, 2019
John Fitzgerald Kennedy And His Life - 1165 Words
What did John Fitzgerald Kennedy explore, encounter, and exchange during his life. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy went through a lot throughout his life. He was a mayor a Senate and even president! On top of that he was in the military supporting our country. Let s take a look at what he has explored. Explore, well John Fitzgerald Kennedy explored a lot of things here are some examples of what he explored. He served in the military during WW2. He explored the ocean on his boat with his crew. A Japanese ship crashed into them, and he saved his crew while he put himself in danger. He received a purple heart medal for saving the men. He explored a great honor of service, which later helped him in politics, because people saw that medal†¦show more content†¦John Fitzgerald Kennedy explored the world of politics when he entered politics and later became president. He explored a lot of stress and pain, knowing that one wrong move could send this country downhill in an instant. I mean, if you were in his shoes. I am pretty sure that you would probably have grey hair in two weeks. He has to explore difficult dispositions like the Cuban Missal crisis that could have started World War three if we didn t have a smart president like John Fitzgerald Kennedy. He also had to deal with the racist people who didn t respect black people just because their skin was a different color than the white people. John Fitzgerald Kennedy did not like that black people were being treated differently one bit. John Fitzgerald Kennedy encountered a lot of things during his life. Like he encountered many sicknesses when he was a kid and all the way to even when he died. He had to have many surgeries throughout his life. He had a lot of things wrong with him. He would always admire his older brother Joe, who was killed while doing a very dangerous job. He had to fly an airplane that had thousands of explosives in it, and sadly the whole plane blew up killing Joe and two other people on that dangerous mission. John Fitzgerald Kennedy had to encounter his brother s death. Another thing he had to encounter, was his sister s death.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Siddhartha Essays Achieving Enlightenment at the River
Achieving Enlightenment at the River in Siddhartha In Siddharthas quest for enlightenment, Herman Hesse makes the river the final focal point of the novel. Siddhartha is set on his journey to the river by listening to his inner voice and questioning authority. The river comes to represent the ideas through which Siddhartha reaches enlightenment. The essential concepts of time and how it relates to life are discovered by Siddhartha through listening to the river. He comes to realize that his previous conclusion is correct, wisdom cannot be taught. When he reaches nirvana, he also sees how spiritualism and materialism both have a place in the cycle of life. Acting as Siddharthas inspiration to his ultimate goal, the river†¦show more content†¦With Vasudeva, Siddhartha begins spiritually as a child. By destroying his old Self, Siddhartha is no longer hindered by too much knowledge...too much doing and striving. (99) Thus, as a child Siddhartha begins to hear the river, and learn from it. In his education, the concept of time re peatedly arises. The river is seen as always flowing and changing, just as the world does. Siddhartha comes to understand that life is transitory, a cycle that is eternally repeating. Looking at the river, it is made of water, water from the rains. Before that, the water was in the clouds, the air, evaporated from the river. Travelling from sky to earth, brook to river, the river is always present. The only change is how it is reflected in the ephemeral life. The continual flow from one to another illustrates the principle of timelessness. The Buddhist concept of timelessness is based on the wheel of life. Because of future reincarnation, Buddhists to not perceive time as a fixed linear progression and therefore time is irrelevant. The river signifies time in that the river is everywhere at the same time...the present only exists for it...not the past...nor the future. (107) Time is the idea of passing events, just as the river comes to illustrate the same when Siddhartha sees his life has been a river of events. However, because a river is ever present and always in motion, time is also dynamic. Being perpetual, the river and time are symbolically theShow MoreRelatedComparing the Journeys of Hesses Siddhartha and Gandhi Essay2049 Words  | 9 Pages      Siddhartha and Gandhi strove for different goals during their lives. Siddharthas goal was very personal, while Gandhis goal encompassed the world. This was shown by their spiritual development throughout their journeys. Siddhartha evolved from an inexperienced spiritual being to a man, returned to spirituality, and ended with nirvana. Gandhi traveled a much straighter path, originally being a worldly man merely seeking his correct place in life, when his spiritual development unexpectedlyRead MoreThe Influence of Buddhism in Chinese Martial Arts Essay777 Words  | 4 Pagesin Chan (Zen) Buddhism. Kung-Fu was Influenced by the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama and focuses heavily on the belief that enlightenment is attained through meditation. In this essay, Buddhisms influence on Shaolin Kung-Fu will be discussed, from how it started to how it thrives today in modern china. Michael Kampan O Reilly states in Art Beyond the West that Zen Buddhism teaches one can find happiness and success by achieving harmony with nature. They also believe that the Buddha lives inside
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Analysis Of Slumdog Millionaire Film Studies Essay Example For Students
Analysis Of Slumdog Millionaire Film Studies Essay In this assignment I will be depicting the construction and the ownership of the UK movie industry and researching the production, distribution and the exhibition of Slumdog Millionaire. I will be besides looking at the relationship between movies and their production contexts and the relationship between audiences and movies. Danny Boyle, a British manager, directed the movie, Slumdog Millionaire. It was about Jamal, who was Dev Patel, grew up in the slums, who so becomes a contestant in Who Becomes a Millionaire. The events that happen when he was immature becomes back to life, when he is being asked inquiries in the game show. When people watch the film everyone will hold their ain reading of what the result of the narrative will be. The first half of the movie, the coloring material, manner, and capable affair felt evocative of City of God, but Danny Boyle s distinguishable shootings picks and temper separates the movie above the remainder. The 2nd half of the movie does decelerate down a spot and the fairy narrative stoping makes you experience good interior, but it does nt ever convey critics awards. The spot that attracted the viewing audiences the most was the cultural and societal issues highlighted throughout the movie. The poorness, force caused by poorness, and spiritual favoritism was really prevailing throughout the movie. Danny Boyle chose certain shootings to demo the poorness and despair of the people of India, without any duologue he kept the societal and cultural context all-visual. Some parts of the movie were from a Hollywood manner, where they had creative persons from America, M.I.A. The film showed some negative facets of India, where they were slums, poorness, harlotry and robbery. The immature male childs fall backing to force for nutrient and shelter becomes at times heroic. Young kids happening their manner to last and being forced to maturate long before their clip. India in the past 10 old ages has drastically changed the state s economic standing turning the in-between category from the rise of industry. Talk ABOUT BOYS AND GIRLS The features of Inde Films are: They are mostly driven, they relate single to a wider social/cultural background, narrative are left frequently, some do/some do nt hold closing, there is an accent on a documental manner and picture taking, they deal with existent current societal issues, narrations can be round cut up back to forepart and sometimes simple excessively, they frequently deny generic outlook, and independent movies tend to hold lower budgets, lesser or unknown stars , and they are shot on location. The British and the Gallic were the 1s who created the equipment that were needed to do a film. After the World War happened, the British had changed, where they could nt do any more films. The American had a opportunity to bring forth quality films and bring forth more. Vertical Integration is a manner of direction control. It is a procedure of stairss in the production, distribution and exhibition of the film merchandise that are so owned by a company. The large 5 were: Warner, MGM, Paramount, twentieth Century Fox and R.KO. They are now: Disney, twentieth Century Fox, Universal, Paramount, Columbia, and Warner Brothers. The five owned their ain studios, distribution divisions, and theaters. They besides signed contracts with histrions, actresses, and other filmmaking forces. They had the scriptwriting, cinematography, production, and the distribution of a film. The Small Three are: Cosmopolitan Pictures, Columbia, and United Studios. The Small 3 owned few or no theaters, so there was no built in warrant that the movies that they made would be shown. Each of them lacked one of the three elements required in perpendicular integrating having their ain theaters. .u92cf2d75c211fc6c137c9de3169926d5 , .u92cf2d75c211fc6c137c9de3169926d5 .postImageUrl , .u92cf2d75c211fc6c137c9de3169926d5 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u92cf2d75c211fc6c137c9de3169926d5 , .u92cf2d75c211fc6c137c9de3169926d5:hover , .u92cf2d75c211fc6c137c9de3169926d5:visited , .u92cf2d75c211fc6c137c9de3169926d5:active { border:0!important; } .u92cf2d75c211fc6c137c9de3169926d5 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u92cf2d75c211fc6c137c9de3169926d5 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u92cf2d75c211fc6c137c9de3169926d5:active , .u92cf2d75c211fc6c137c9de3169926d5:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u92cf2d75c211fc6c137c9de3169926d5 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u92cf2d75c211fc6c137c9de3169926d5 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u92cf2d75c211fc6c137c9de3169926d5 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u92cf2d75c211fc6c137c9de3169926d5 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u92cf2d75c211fc6c137c9de3169926d5:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u92cf2d75c211fc6c137c9de3169926d5 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u92cf2d75c211fc6c137c9de3169926d5 .u92cf2d75c211fc6c137c9de3169926d5-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u92cf2d75c211fc6c137c9de3169926d5:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Sportsmanship EssayThe casting of Slumdog Millionaire constructed and targeted towards different audience sections by looking at the most of the celebrated Bollywood Stars in India, Anil Kapoor who is the Millionaire host in the movie. Anil Kapoor is a celebrated Indian Actor who appears in most celebrated Bollywood movies. Slumdog Millionaire was Anil Kapoors first function in an international movie. Frieda Pinto, is another celebrated Indian histrion, she was starred at Latika. Before she was starred in Slumdog Millionaire, she was patterning for a company called Elite Model Management India for two old ages. Frieda had won eight Academy awards for the movie. Her life wa s transformed as she embarked on a promotional circuit round the universe, remaining in five-star hotels and being driven by chauffeurs. Irfan Khan is an Indian Actor in movie, telecasting and theater. In the film, Slumdog Millionaire, Irfan Khan has a function of being a constabulary inspector, who he investigates if Jamal cheated in the game show or stating the truth. A R Rahman produced largely all of the Bollywood soundtracks. Slumdog Millionaire at times sounds like a mixture of random pieces that do nt hold much to make with each other. The soundtracks were created with specific visuals in head. The vocal, O Saya was one of the two nominative paths for Best Song at the Oscars, and the other victor being Jai Ho. The yesteryear is echt with rich sounds mirroring the Mumbai cityscape. Jai Ho is an indispensable Rahman path, completed with his favorite singer, Sukhvinder Singh. In scene 5 M.I.A make an visual aspect in Paper Planes, the path is relaxed and unworried. In the first scene A R Rahman uses M.I.A to sing, from Hollywood, distinct an American audience. The soundtrack is truly of import to India. Cross Media Ownership is where a company owns different media in imperativeness. This is awful for Democracy, there is no inducement for the newsmans to look into and acquire the narrative, since the ownership entirely decides what intelligence is and what is nt and there is no competition for viewers/readers. It is of import because it allows the film and the companies to acquire more attending by the audiences. If they wanted to watch a film they would hold to pass money to see it, which will give more money to the company. The slums childs had enjoyed the experience of the film. The slum childs did nt hold to move, they merely had to be natural in forepart of the camera. The slums lived on the side of the rail paths, which were made out of fictile sheets with canned roofs. After their film had been successful, they were invited to the Oscars where they were being interviewed, run intoing Hollywood famous persons and they could walk on the ruddy rug. The film was to demo the viewing audiences how they were populating in such conditions in India. In decision, the audiences were attracted to the Hollywood movie manner, and were nt non paying attending to the European movie manner. The European movie manner had to be changed so more viewing audiences could watch it. Hollywood was high up in the market, where they could afford to do 3D movies.
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