Monday, January 6, 2020
The Change in Airport Security from 9/11 Essay - 1579 Words
The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2011 prompted the world to reevaluate and drastically modify airport and airline security. â€Å"Four targets had been chosen, all iconic American buildings that would send a clear message of the depth of their hatred for the United States. All four planes crashed, killing all on boardâ€â€terrorists, crew members, and passengers, along with hundreds who were killed inside the structures, on the ground, and the men and women who ran into collapsing buildings in an effort to try and save others†(Smutz 1). As Jason Villemez said â€Å"the decade after the 9/11 attacks reshaped many facets of life in America†(Villemez 1). Before the attacks, people did not think that large scale hostility towards innocent people in†¦show more content†¦Security officers learned a very large lesson on September 11, 2001; they learned that they needed to care about and perform their job to the best of their ability in order to safeguard o ur country. As mentioned above, another reason the security in airports was so shoddy was that the x-ray machines and metal detectors that were being used were very out of date, â€Å"the metal detectors were last replaced in 1995†(Hiltzik 1). These security tools were so outdated that some of them didn’t even register certain metals such as Aluminium and Titanium (Hiltzik 1). This means that someone could easily conceal a weapon in their pants or shoes if the weapon was made out of any of these materials. Prior to September 11, 2001, people could sneak weapons onto planes. The weapons included explosives and tools that individuals could use to help hijack planes. In 1995, Al Qaeda plotted to bomb 12 United States trans-Pacific flights and also planned to kill Bill Clinton on his trip to the Philippines (Cronin 2). Al Qaeda is a Muslim extremist group that is known for resorting to terrorism and killing to please God. When a Muslim extremist group performs a deadly a ttack, they think that they are eliminating the evil in the world. There were also manyShow MoreRelatedThe Change in Airport Security from 9/111500 Words  | 6 PagesThe Change in Airport Security from 9/11 The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2011 prompted the world to reevaluate and drastically modify airport and airline security. â€Å"Four targets had been chosen, all iconic American buildings that would send a clear message of the depth of their hatred for the United States. All four planes crashed, killing all on boardâ€â€terrorists, crew members, and passengers, along with hundreds who were killed inside the structures, on the ground, and the men and womenRead More9/11 7th grade paper1506 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿ September 11, 2001 was an unforgettable day when many people lost there lives and sadly, airport security failed at three different airports. 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