Saturday, May 16, 2020
Pollution Is A Serious Problem - 1320 Words
Xiangyu Li Professor Kei Lutalo English 1106 6 March 2016 pollution in china In the paper, I argue that what types of pollution in china by introducing the situation and problems in china. Following the development of economic and scientific, China is playing a very important role in the international arena. Increasing the number of people become rich. they can buy the new car, big house, and expensive clothes. In many people s opinions that China is becoming strong and rich. But they do not know China is also facing a serious problem, it is pollution. Pollution is a serious problem because it will affect our health. Pollution can shorten our life and make us sick. Why pollution in China is a serious problem? because there are air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution, those pollution has begun to seriously affect people s lives. How serious pollution in china? pollution will have what effects in China? How can we solve those problems? While critics argue air pollution is not serious in china, I argue air pollution is serious in china. because smog, an excess of harmful gasses. Now, air pollution is a serious problem in china. According to BBC news, Beijing government on Friday released four smog alert . Beijing s smog problem is mainly due to fuel power plants , industrial pollution and car exhaust(n.p.). recently, Beijing faces severe smog, government explain the main reason why there is smog is factories and automobile exhaust. Factory make air pollutionShow MoreRelatedAir Pollution Is A Serious Problem1571 Words  | 7 PagesAir pollution is a very serious problem throughout the world. Exposure to air pollution is easy and it can affect your health. 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